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28 September
2005 Den från moralen lösgjorda ekonomin
Som ett tilltugg till mediernas frossande i Fortumdirektörernas
svinaktiga optionsvinster passar riksdagsman Erkki Pulliainens nya
skrift Moraalista irrotettu talous (Ochre Chronicles 2005, 160
sid.). Bokens ämne översatt till svenska är Den från moralen lösgjorda
ekonomin. Pulliainen försöker placera in den pågående
globaliseringen, som enligt honom utgör globaliseringens tredje våg, i ett
ekologiskt och världshistoriskt perspektiv. Det är inte alldeles lätt
att finna en röd tråd i boken, eller att inte tappa den igen, när man
emellanåt tycker sig ha fått fatt i den. To some extent, this fact [det bristande intresset för regeringens eventuella delaktighet i brottet] reflects a matter of principle — a concern that devoting attention to possible conspiracies is diversionary. Some of the reasons for this wariness are valid. One concern is that a focus on exposing conspiratorial crimes of present office-holders may reflect the naive asssumption that if only we can replace those individuals with better ones, things will be fine. Underlying that worry is the concern that a focus on conspirators can divert attention from the more important issue of the structural problems in the national and global order that need to be overcome. But although those dangers must be guarded against, we should also avoid a too strong dichotomy between structural and conspiratorial analysis. For one thing, although structural analysis is essential for any deep understanding of social processes, structures as such, being abstractions, do not enact themselves. They are influential only insofar as they are embodied in agents — both individual and institutional — who act in terms of them. These agents, furthermore, are not fully determined by the dominant values of their societies. They have degrees of freedom, which they can use to act in ways that are more or less wise, more or less just, and more or less legal. When political leaders enact policies that are egregiously unjust, dangerous, and even illegal, it is important to replace them with leaders who are at least somewhat better. Finally, and most important, the exposure of a conspiracy may, rather than diverting attention from a society's problematic structures, turn attention to them. For example, if it became evident that our national political leaders caused or at least allowed the attacks of 9/11 and that they did so partly because they had deeply embodied certain values pervasive of our society, we might finally decide that a society-wide reorientation is in order.
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| ...och den med moralen oupplösligt förenade konsten
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