Altiero Spinelli - From Ventotene to the European Constitution
RECON, a research project on European democracy, has just published an anthology of Spinelli's writings in English. You can download the text at
Kudos to the RECON researchers for having opened their publication series with an e-book about and by the unorthodox "founding father" of the European Union.
The RECON project is funded by the 6th research framework program of the EU Commission.
Agustín José Menéndez (ed.)
RECON Report No 1
ARENA Report 1/07, Oslo, January 2007
The life and political actions of Altiero Spinelli (1907-1986) reflect the
eventful transformations that Europe underwent in the last century. A
political opponent of Fascism since his early youth, Spinelli spent more
than a decade in prison and confinement. During those difficult years, hesynthesised classical federalist thinking into a theory and a blueprint
for a federation of Europe. Spinelli was a close advisor to Alcide de
Gasperi in the 1950s, a part-time scholar in the 1960s, a Commissioner in
the early 1970s, a paramount figure of the European Parliament from 1976
to 1986, and an unrelenting critic of all orthodoxies.