(in Finnish) Finnairilla ja SAS:llä käytössään useita veroparatiisiyhtiöistä(05/10)
LEHDISTÖTILAISUUS perjantaina 5.10. klo 12, Säästöpankinranta 6 (Graniittilinna),
Helsinki Norjassa tuli torstaina julki, että SAS vuokraa valtaosan käyttämistään
lentokoneista ulkomailta. Ainakin 30 konetta vuokrataan kansainvälisistä
Tax trends increase inequality - to what end?(12/06)
In taxation, there have been some continuous trends the consequences of which are hard to
swallow. There are of course those abominable tax havens and the financial industry around
them that weaken the basis of any society but practically no-one righ......
The Leverage of the General Anti Avoidance Principle(14/08)
When it comes to tackling tax avoidance, I have understood that in one sense Finland is in rare
company: it has the general anti avoidance principle (GAAP) written in its law. I think that
this state of affairs could have some really interesting impa......
Ollila's Challenge(12/07)
The former chairman and CEO of Nokia, Jorma Ollila, turned a new leaf in his career by accepting
post as the non-executive chairman of the oil giant Royal Dutch Shell. Obolowai M. Bakre's
presentation in Tax Justice Network’s summer seminar at Essex raised an important issue...
>> NTJN blog
SAS and Finnair tax heaven leasing schemes revealed(05/10)
Norwegian government to link tax havens and corruption(04/01)
Minister of International Development Erik Solheim has launched the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs’ new anti-corruption project with Minister of Finance Kristin Halvorsen. This is
the first time a western country calls for a war on tax havens. Attac Nor......
NTJN in Globaliseringskonferans(23/10)
Download John Christensen's (Tax Justice Network) presentation in
Globaliseringskonferans (ie. Norwegian Social Forum) from here. More material coming
>> Read all
Nordic TJN meeting in Copenhagen on 3rd - 4th May(30/01)
Second NTJN meeting - minutes and summary(21/02)
Steering committee of the Nordic Tax Justice Network held its second meeting on 11.-12.2. in
Stockholm, hosted by Attac Sweden. Eight delegates from Norway, Sweden and Finland gathered
together to plan ways to strengthen and build further a network t......
>> Read all
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