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Nordic TJN meeting in Copenhagen on 3rd - 4th May

Posted (30/01/08)
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Second NTJN meeting - minutes and summary

Steering committee of the Nordic Tax Justice Network held its second meeting on 11.-12.2. in Stockholm, hosted by Attac Sweden. Eight delegates from Norway, Sweden and Finland gathered together to plan ways to strengthen and build further a network that was first established in June 2006.

Highlights of the decisions made in the meeting are:

1) To start work for creating a common policy advice document on the biggest problems and best practices related to international tax avoidance, evasion and their prevention in the Nordic countries. The forthcoming Code of Conduct for Taxation by Tax Justice Network and AABA will form the backbone of this work.
2) To intertwine this background document process with preparations of having a Nordic tax workshop in the first half of 2008, in a format adopted from the Essex and Nairobi workshops

There were several reasons that supported creation of a common policy document. It will

- help NTJN to establish contacts with tax experts in Nordic countries and engage them in our work.
- help the NTJN to find out the common ground for campaigning, as well as the differences between the countries.
- help to define the NTJN for the groups and individuals we want to approach.
- eventually help us with the preparations of the Nordic tax workshop.

The steering committee agreed that establishing and securing the Nordic network requires gathering all interested people together face-to-face. The workshops at Essex and Nairobi give a good formula for this. The network starts applying for funds from Nordic funds for arranging the seminar. In addition to that, the possibilities for cooperation with universities will be mapped during drafting work of the common background document.

It was also discussed that NTJN would be eager to create connections with Tax Justice for Africa in order to influence the development aid policies of the Nordic governments. This issue will be discussed further with the Tax Justice for Africa members.

Read the full minutes from here.

Posted (21/02/07)
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Tax Justice Network Nordic launch event at Oslo 9.-11.6.2006

The official launch event of the Nordic Tax Justice Network will be held at Oslo, Norway, on Saturday 10.6.2006. John Christensen (the coordinator of Global TJN) will participate in the event, in addition to representatives of the network from Norway, Sweden and Finland.

Posted (07/04/06)
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